Monitor and record events in real time
HDPQ lets you see power quality phenomena as they happen. This instrument can capture and process data in real time, and allows you to view it in the Dial Meter (graphic), Tabular Gauges (textual), Scope Mode, Dashboard, Harmonics and Phasor displays

what is power quality?
Electrical Power Quality is a problem of electrical power in the form of a voltage, current or frequency deviation that results in failure or operation error in equipment that occurs in consumers of electrical energy

what is power quality?
Electrical Power Quality is a problem of electrical power in the form of a voltage, current or frequency deviation that results in failure or operation error in equipment that occurs in consumers of electrical energy

HDPQ® is Dranetz’s new, advanced power quality instrument designed to facilitate monitoring, recording and display of data on four voltage channels and four current channels simultaneously

HDPQ® is Dranetz’s new, advanced power quality instrument designed to facilitate monitoring, recording and display of data on four voltage channels and four current channels simultaneously

HDPQ is a tool that is able to record and detect events that can cause a decrease in power quality.

HDPQ is a tool that is able to record and detect events that can cause a decrease in power quality.